Writing-Related, Etc.

We communicate with those around us in multiple ways, with our eyes, our body language, our actions, and through written and spoken language. The English language never fails to fascinate me with its irregularities, inconsistencies, and eccentricities, and I enjoy reading about grammar controversies that often confuse, annoy, or offend us.  Whenever I find interesting articles or information related to these current grammar issues, I’ll post them here.

Please feel free to share articles or pics you find related to grammar usage  and/ or  its prevalent misuse. I’d also enjoy getting your thoughts about language oddities and grammar rules that you find interesting or perplexing.



grammar fight

Punctuation Saves Lives


Word Usage

Have We Literally Broken the English Language?

AP’s Approval of ‘Hopefully’ Symbolizes Larger Debate Over Language

grammar police

Ten ‘Modern’ Words with Older Literary Connections – from Interesting Literature’s blog


Literature-Related (Voice, Style, Tone, Dialect, etc)

The Vernacular of J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood and Fallen Angel Series by Megan Frampton from Heroes and Heartbreakers.com



I always enjoy finding amusing bloopers!

Public School Sign


One missing letter is all it takes

Share you thoughts with me!